- reward of up to 500 euros (five hundred) : see below -

Steamers steamboats steamships steam yacht SY                                                       >>>"Home"...)

      Name                                                     Length                        Weight                   Depth

1) SS "RHÔNE I"                        43 m (141 ft)    100–150 t     300 m (984 ft)             07.04.20
2) SS "HIRONDELLE"                52 m (171 ft)         150 t         50 m (164 ft)
3) SS "AIGLE II/SIMPLON"        50 m (164 ft)            ?           308 m (1010 ft)          25.06.20
4) SY "NEMO" William Marcet )     21 m (69 ft)             ?            300 m (984 ft)                             13.06.16

  have a look at: Register of the underwater wrecks of Switzerland

1) SS "RHÔNE",  sank on 28 November 1883, following a
    collision when it was rammed by the "Cygne"
     (has been discovered by Sub-rec, in 1982)

       - animation (Powerpoint)                                                                      l'histoire de la fin du Rhône, animation

       - The collision  (drawings)                                                                    1 plan + 3 drawings (. bytes)

       - Survey  (drawings)                                                                             4 reconstruction drawings  + 2 drawings on the bottom (. bytes)

       - Views from the seabed (1-5)                                                              5 photos by the robot (. bytes)     

       - Views from the seabed (6-10)                                                            5 photos by the robot (. bytes)     

       - Views from the seabed (11-12)                                                            2 photos by the robot (. bytes)     

       - Views from the seabed (13-17) 2009                                                   5 photos by the robot (. bytes)     

       -Views from the seabed (18-24)  2011                                                   5 photos faites par le robot                                

       -Views from the seabed (25-29)  2012                                                   5 photos faites par le robot                                

       -with the submarine "F.-A. Forel": 1995                                                 video

        -NEW video :
                                        the accident and the steering wheel.                    wreck steamer Rhône steering wheel                                07.04.20

2) SS "HIRONDELLE",  grounded on rocks in front of "La Becque" on June 10, 1862.
   sank one month after attempts to refloat it, dislodged by another storm,
    July 18.

     (discovered, and later rediscovered this time by A. Piguet, D. D'Arman and Cl. Lang in 1967)                                                      

      - The grounding (drawings, photo)                                                        2 drawings from the time + 1 photo (. bytes)
      - Views from the seabed, with D.Mazza CH 1470 Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland            Photos by D. Mazza (. bytes)  poicol.jpg (19528 bytes)

      -with the submarine (1-9):                                                                     photos

      -with the submarine (10-17):                                                                 photos


       - l'abandon et l'immersion, 1935                                                           1 dessin + 3 photos                        25.05.20

       - The hull on its own, 1935                                                                    1 drawing + 3 photos (. bytes)     

       - The mystery ? ? ? ? ...                                                                        3 drawings (. bytes)                            25.06.20

4) The SY "Nemo": steam-powered yacht  wreck of sunken steamer
     (discovered by Sub-rec in 2001)
       was transported from England to Switzerland, probably in 1874. Sank in 1875.

       - Steam-powered yacht, 1875, sketches                                               3 sketches (. bytes) 

        - Pictures from the seabed                                                                    photos (. bytes) 

        -NEW video :
                                        under the stern.                                                    épave yacht à vapeur Nemo, avi 22 sec                        13.06.16
                                        the boiler and the cabin.                                        photos (. octets)                        13.06.16

The captain of the Nemo was Dr William Marcet . His sister-in-law, (Anne) Germaine Achard Rigaud,
relates the wrecking of the Nemo.

  Extract of the diary of (Anne) Germaine Achard Rigaud                             texte

  Extract of "In Memoriam", p180-3, signed Alfred Wills.                               texte                              12.01.15

   The daughter of William Marcet and Constance Rigaud (1855), Marguerite Daisy, married Hermann Alexandre de Pourtalès in 1880
   Link to the Pasteur family page : William Marcet

We are still looking for elements allowing to discover where that Nemo comes from, its characteristics, etc.

Our research led us to meet
-Madame Daisy and Mr. Paul de Saugy, Geneva. Madame was very interested and talked in re-uniting the whole family at a party in
  Yvoire, which was where the Nemo was moored ((Madame remembered a photo where one could see the Nemo, moored to an erratic
   block, in front of a boathouse)
-Madame Raymond de Pourtalès, at Etoy. Madam took us to Guy's office and showed a number of albums to try to find possible images
  of the Nemo.
-Monsieur Jaques Naef, of course, and his yacht "Walkyrie". Walkyrie, ici à l'aube de sa seconde vie, grâce à Charles Pictet >>> : 1 photo

and have contacts with
-Madame Irène Weber de Candolle, Geneva, who told us, during an interview, that she was interested in this research.
-Monsieur Olivier Pasteur, Président de l'Association des familles Pasteur, qui a bien voulu mettre un lien à nos pages relatives à William Marcet,
-quelqu'un de la famille du Prince de Brancovan, à Lausanne.

HELLO, if you are English and reading this :
We are offering a reward of up to 500 euros (five hundred) if you can help us find the shipbuilder who built this Nemo!